No. 2 (6) (2018)

Published online: 2018-09-07

The Results of a Primary Introductory Test of New Species of Yucca (Yucca L.) in the Crimea

A. P. Maksimov, Yu. V. Plugatar, A. F. Khromov, N. N. Trikoz, M. S. Kovalyov

Pages: 3–29

Hydrological and Hydrochemical Situation and Meroplankton Status in the Coastal Waters of Karadag in May and September 2017

O. A. Troshchenko, N. P. Kovrigina, E. V. Lisitskaya, S. V. Kapranov, I. Y. Eremin, N. Y. Rodionova

Pages: 47–62

UAV Aerial Photography for High-Detail Mapping of Mountain Tropical Forest Landscapes

I. P. Kotlov, R. V. Gorbunov, Dinh Vu Anh Tu, Pham Mai Phuong

Pages: 63–84