Features of the Vertical Structure of Stands of Indigenous Monsoon Tropical Forests of Vietnam
Researchers in tropical forests, looking at their vertical structure, either point at more-layered as a characteristic feature of community or stand on point that there is lack of layers or even a "vertical continuum" in tropical forests. The reason for the obstructing of the stratification of the forest canopy is called the exceptional abundance of species, besides the scattering of tree height. Based on our researches (1989–2017) in Vietnam's primary monsoon rainforests, it is proposed that a layer of trees is divided into sub-layers. The approaches to this challenge are being considered. It is based on an environmental approach. The reasonableness of stratification of the tree layer into sub-layers is confirmed by their functional features, which were revealed. The examples of Vietnam forests of show that the vertical structure of a forest stand can be simple - with 1-2 sub-layers, medium complex - with 3 sub-layers and complex - with 4 or 5 sub-layers. Forests with a simple structure were formed on the plains and low-mountain plateaus with sandy, loamy and clayey-gleyic soils, in areas with close occurrence of crystalline shale and basalt from the platform surface. In the mountain landscape there are pine trees, as well as mossy cloud forests and curved forests on the mountain peaks and open ridges on the elevation 2000–2900 meters (upper limit level of forest distribution). Forest stand with medium complex structure situated on the plains areas with light granulometric composition soils and depression areas with peat-gleyic soils, which were formed among the drained ferrallite soils, in the mountains - formed on the slopes and ridges, on the plateau, plateau-like peaks, in the hollows and along river valleys - on soils of different granulometric composition and different crusts of weathering. The upper limit level of distribution is on the elevation 2500 m. Forests with complex structure grow on leveled areas under favorable conditions for trees in terms of edaphic and hydrology conditions. On the plains, they form on deep-drained ferrallite soils with a profile of 3–5 m, as well as on alluvial soils in intermountain valleys and along river banks, in the mountains - on gentle slopes, extensive terraces, intermountain valleys with a root depth at least 1 m. Upper limit level of forest distribution with five sub-layers is on the elevation 800 m, with four sub-layers is on the elevation 1850 m. The complexity category of the vertical structure of forest stands is determined by the temperature regime, features of the edaphic condition and hydrology, the ability of crusts of weathering to weather the atmospheric water of the rain season. In general, at transition of forest soils from deeply drained at the gradients of drainage weakening and/or reduction the capacity of the root layer there is a simplification of the vertical structure of forest stands with a reduction in the number of tree sub-layers from five to one.
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