Population Characteristics of the Bivalve Lentidium mediterraneum (O.G. Costa, 1829) in the South Part of the Azov Sea
To study the mass-size characteristics of L. mediterraneum, samples were taken in July 2016 in the southern part of the sea of Azov at the base of Cape Kazantip. A total of 3,021 specimens of L. mediterraneum were measured, and the individual weight was determined for 671 specimens. The size – frequency histograms for the settlements of L. mediterraneum in the coastal zone of The Russian and Tatar bays were compiled. In the investigated populations, there are juveniles (fingerlings) and individuals of the 2nd year of life. The local settlement in Russian Bay is dominated by individuals with a shell length of 1.6–1.9 mm – about 50 % of the total number. As a result of the measurements, a number of power equations were obtained that relate the height of the shell to the total mass of the mollusk. The equations obtained from the data on the average mass of mollusks of all size groups with a range of 1 mm are: M = 0,417L2,38 for the Russian bay and M = 0,321L2,41 for b. Tatarskaya bay, and demonstrate a high degree of confidence. In the Tatarskaya bay, the average mass of mollusks of size groups 4–7 mm is lower than in the Russian bay population.
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