Arsenic Concentrations in the Karadag Nature Reserve Area (Black Sea)
Emissions of pollutants capable of toxifying animals and plants are one of the main factors of the anthropogenic impact on marine coastal ecosystems. Arsenic is widely present in the environment and has acute and chronic toxic effects on aquatic organisms and humans. Arsenic pollution of water can be detected in areas intrinsically unaffected by human activity. In view of this, the aim of this work is to study the concentration of arsenic in water, bottom sediments, and soft tissues of the bivalve Mytillus galloprovincialis in the coastal waters of Karadag Nature Reserve (Crimea, Black Sea). The samples of mollusks were taken in 1999 in cruise number 53 of R/V Professor Vodyanitsky, and the samples of water, sediments and mollusks were taken in 2017 in cruise number 96 of the same research vessel. The concentration of As in seawater of this nature reserve ranged from 6.78 to 16.6 µg·L-1, which is smaller or slightly higher than the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) in water for fisheries. The arsenic concentrations in bottom sediments varied from 25.5 to 106.0 μg·g-1 dry weight. The concentration of arsenic in mussels from the Karadag Nature Reserve area is significantly lower than the MPC established for food products.
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