Research of Scientists of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory of the AS USSR in the X-Ray Range of Wave Lengths at the Astron Space Station
Research work of scientists of the Crimean astrophysical observatory of Academy of Sciences of the USSR at space station «Astron» in one of the priority directions of astrophysical researches − x-ray astronomy is covered in article. Features of a design of the x-ray CKP-02M telescope-spectrometer for research of temporary and spectral characteristics of sources of x-ray radiation within the opportunities of station limited on duration of time of supervision are established. Results of research of the galactic and extragalactic sources of x-ray radiation provided by the program of x-ray experiment at «Astron» station are presented: compact objects, remains of supernew stars, spherical congestions, galaxies of various types and their kernels, quasars, pulsars, barsters.
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