
Troshchenko O. A., Kovrigina N. P., Lisitskaya E. V., Kapranov S. V., Eremin I. Y., Rodionova N. Y. Hydrological and Hydrochemical Situation and Meroplankton Status in the Coastal Waters of Karadag in May and September 2017. Proceedings of the T.I.Vyazemsky Karadag Scientific Station - Nature Reserve of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2018, no. 2 (6), pp. 47-62. https://doi.org/10.21072/eco.2021.06.03



Results of comprehensive research of coastal waters of the Karadag Nature Reserve and Koktebel’ Bay carried out in May and September 2017 are presented in this study. The influence of domestic sewage of Koktebel’ and Kurortnoye settlements on fields of hydrological and hydrochemical parameters and on meroplankton status at the coastal stations along four cross-sections is studied. The thermohaline fields in the two fieldworks are shown to be uniform enough. A slight increase of the horizontal gradients is observed in the area of Cape Mal’chin. From the BOD5 and oxidizabililty values exceeding maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) and the pollution factors (the ratio of BOD5 and oxidizabililty) above unity, the domestic sewage-polluted areas are detected. The content of dissolved organic carbon (Сров) in the surface water of Karadag coastal area and Koktebel’ Bay is calculated and compared with that of the initial stage of the research (in 2004). From the mineral and total phosphorus ratio values Pmin/Ptot<30% and the high concentrations of silicon and mineral phosphorus, the impact of the Azov Sea water inflow on the hydrochemical structure of the water area under study is revealed. The taxonomic composition of meroplankton of Karadag coastal waters is studied. From the values of the calculated paired correlation coefficients, relations among all abiotic parameters and meroplankton content are considered. The collation of meroplankton abundance and concentration of nutrients in May at the coastal stations along the cross-sections is performed.


O. A. Troshchenko

PhD, senior researcher

N. P. Kovrigina

PhD, senior researcher

E. V. Lisitskaya

PhD, senior researcher

S. V. Kapranov

PhD, junior researcher

I. Y. Eremin

junior researcher

N. Y. Rodionova

junior researcher


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