Estimation of state of the littoral ichthyo-complex at the aquatorium of protected area with submerged self-contained videorecording device
Our aim was creation of inexpensive, simple in application submerged self-contained videorecording device and verification of its efficiency in the mode of test using. Our videorecording device consists of following elements: leakproof container (metallic cylinder as high as 200 mm with internal diameter 125 mm, closed both-side by glass lids 185 × 185 × 25 mm), motor-car Full HD (1080p) videorecorder with corner of review 130о, with a regular memory card, battery 12 V with capacity 7.5 AH, and metallic support for setting device on bottom. Testing of the videorecording device showed its efficiency for the count of pelagic fishes of greater part of size spectrum. Quality of image allowed to identify species belonging of fishes getting in eyeshot. The count of bottom associated fishes is less effective. Pisces do not react on upon the device. The got video information makes possible both direct count of quantity and having notion about behavior reactions of fishes in a natural for them habitat. Tested possibilities of monitoring of fishes with our videorecording device show perspectives of its application for count of littoral fishes in particular in combination with other methods of count. The further improvement of device for expansion of its functionality looks perspective.
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