
Drygval P. V., Drygval А. V., Lebedev Ya. O., Gorbunov R. V., Stanis E. V., Pham Cam Nhung. Distribution and migration of chemical elements in soils of the Magnitnyj ridge (Karadag nature reserve). Proceedings of the T.I.Vyazemsky Karadag Scientific Station - Nature Reserve of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2021, no. 4 (20), pp. 43-53. https://doi.org/10.21072/eco.2021.20.06



The article considers the distribution and migration of some chemical elements within the soil catena, that laid in the territory of the Karadag mountain group. The catena is represented by three points (soil profile cuts), which laid on the top of the ridge Magnitnyj, as well as on its slopes north-west and south-east exposures. The soil profile cuts are laid in automorphic and trans-accumulative conditions of soil formation. Descriptions of each soil profile cut are given, and chemical analysis of soil samples of each horizon is carried out. The actual acidity, the amount of humus, the content of some micro- and macroelements in total and active forms have been determined for the soil samples. The nature of distribution and migration of some chemical elements within the soil profile cuts and soil catena in general is considered. In the article it is noted that there is a migration of the studied elements from soils formed in automorphic conditions on watershed area of ridge Magnitnyj (soil profile cut № 2) and their accumulation in the co-located forest landscapes on the slopes (soil profile cuts № 1 and № 3). It is revealed that the concentration of all studied elements in the upper soil horizons is higher on slopes, which are associated with trans-accumulative conditions of soil formation, than on the watershed surface, associated with automorphic conditions of soil formation.


P. V. Drygval
А. V. Drygval

junior researcher

Ya. O. Lebedev


R. V. Gorbunov

PhD, Director

E. V. Stanis

PhD, Prof.

Pham Cam Nhung

PhD, junior researcher


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Работа выполнена по теме государственного задания ФИЦ ИнБЮМ, регистрационный номер 121040100327-3.
