
Skuratovskaya E. N. Seasonal dynamics of the antioxidant enzyme activities in blood of mass fish species from Sevastopol coastal area (the Black sea). Proceedings of the T.I.Vyazemsky Karadag Scientific Station - Nature Reserve of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2021, no. 4 (20), pp. 16-21. https://doi.org/10.21072/eco.2021.20.03



The seasonal dynamics of the antioxidant enzyme activities (catalase, superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, glutathione reductase, glutathione-S-transferase) in the blood erythrocytes of black scorpionfish Scorpaena porcus, pickarel Spicara flexuosa, horse mackerel Trachurus mediterraneus from the Sevastopol coastal area are investigated. It has been revealed that activity of the antioxidant enzymes changes throughout the year. It is associated with the existence of the seasonal physiological rhythms in fish, peculiarities of their biology and ecology as well as the different level of anthropogenic impact in each period of the year. When assessing the state of fish and their habitats by using the studied parameters as biomarkers, it is of importance to take into consideration the limits of their natural variability to interpret correctly the research results.


E. N. Skuratovskaya

PhD, senior researcher


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