
Valov M. V., Kolotukhin A. Yu., Barmin A. N., Zhadnov E. E. Statistical Analysis of Atmospheric Precipitations Regime Climate Changes in the River Volga Delta. Proceedings of the T.I.Vyazemsky Karadag Scientific Station - Nature Reserve of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2020, no. 4 (16), pp. 76-83. https://doi.org/10.21072/eco.2021.16.08



Atmospheric precipitation regime assessment on the intrazonal landscape territory of the river Volga delta was carried out in this work for the period of 1922 till 2019. Mathematical statistics methods, average calculations, standard deviation, linear trend and construction of charts were used as an analysis tool. It was revealed that precipitation amount dynamics on the river Volga delta territory is characterized by the large variability for different years, total dynamics of annual average precipitation indicates on the cyclic period existence possibility of precipitation amount dispersion relative stabilization between 15 till 25 years; precipitation amount increase in rainy years occurs mainly as a result of the rain amount increase in the period of late spring and early summer, while more drought year periods are more stable. Conducted statistical analysis results expand vision about precipitation regime within unique natural territory of the river Volga delta, specifying specific features of their time transgressive variability.


M. V. Valov

PhD, Assistant Professor

A. Yu. Kolotukhin

Assistant of the Department of Ecology

A. N. Barmin

D. Sc., Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Geology and Geography

E. E. Zhadnov



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