Ecological Observation of the Bats (Chiroptera) in Old Mines near Isfara (North Tajikistan) in 1976-2020
The results of the field observations of bats community in the old mines placed in foothills of north slopes of Turkestan mountain ranges (Guzlon Mountain) 11 km north-east from Isfara near Kulkent are described. Our research divided on two parts – first from 1976 to 1987 years by T.K. Khabilov (Khabilov, 1992) and second - from 2012-2020 when materials are collected with both authors (Khabilov, Tadzhibaeva in press; Tadzhibaeva, 2018). In the first period 952 bats was registred in 5 mines during spring (10 visits) and summer (10 visits), they are: Rhinolophus bocharicus Kastshenko et Akimov, 1917, Myotis blythii Tomes, 1857, Myotis emarginatus Geoffroy, 1806, Plecotus strelkovi Spitzenberger, 2006, Barbastella caspica Satunin, 1908. In second period in the 4 mines (the entrance of one mine was destroyed) recorded only 262 bats during 8 visits in total (1-spring; 5- summer; 1autumn; 1-winter). In this period we not founded the Myotis emarginatus but recorded Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (Schreber, 1774) and thus 6 species of bats registred in total in old mines. Discussed the same possible reasons of the decreasing the numbers of Rhinolophus bocharicus and Plecotus strelkovi between first and second periods and seasonal aspects of bats life in old mines near Kulkent.
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