
Prusova I. Yu. Vertical Distribution of Eucalanidae (Copepoda: Calanoida) in the Arabian Sea. Proceedings of the T.I.Vyazemsky Karadag Scientific Station - Nature Reserve of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2020, no. 2 (14), pp. 29-39. https://doi.org/10.21072/eco.2021.14.03



This paper describes the quantitative indicators and vertical distribution of 10 species of Eucalanidae (Copepoda: Calanoida) in the Arabian Sea in the upper 1000 m based on zooplankton materials collected within the frames of the US JGOFS program in the area between Oman and India north of 10° N during the Spring Intermonsoon (March - April) of 1995. Two types of the vertical distribution of eucalanids in the studied layer were revealed, represented by two groups of species: 1) species inhabiting epipelagic zone above the oxycline and in the upper transition zone (Pareucalanus attenuatus s. l., Subeucalanus mucronatus, S pileatus, S. subcrassus and S. subtenuis), and 2) the presence of the bulk of populations within the oxygen minimum zone, at 300-800 m depths (Eucalanus elongatus, Rhincalanus nasutus, R. rostrifrons, S. crassus, P. smithae). The fact of spatial separation of population cores of two closely related species S. subtenuis and S. mucronatus was noted: the first of these is concentrated mainly in waters with normal or low oxygen levels, and the second is concentrated in the oxycline layer. Based on the analysis of the age structure of populations in the studied material, an assumption was made about the existence of ontogenetic migrations in S. crassus. The absence of pronounced daily migrations in the studied species was revealed.


I. Yu. Prusova

PhD, senior researcher


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