
Rylkova O. A., Doroshenko Yu. V., Lelekov A. S., Harchuk I. A. Associated microbiota of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis culture under changing limiting factors conditions . Biodiversity and Sustainable Development, 2025, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 62-76. https://doi.org/10.21072/eco.2024.09.3.06



In natural and laboratory conditions, cyanobacteria and microalgae coexist with microbial communities that can have a stimulating or inhibitory effect on the physiology, growth and development of algae cultures. To assess contamination and determine the proportion of associated microbiota in A. platensis culture, the quantitative composition, diversity of physiological groups and morphological structure of the bacterial association were studied at different growth phases of accumulation and flow-through cyanobacteria culture. Standard methods of A. platensis biomass accumulation studies, microbiological, microscopic and cytometric approaches were used in the study of associated microbiota. It was shown that the number of heterotrophs according to the data of flow cytometry, after staining with SYBR Green fluorochrome (0.3·108–1.6·108 cell ml-1 ) exceeded the data obtained by sowing on solid media (5·106 –1.3·108 CFU ml-1). The dynamics of changes in quantitative indices obtained by these methods was similar: minimum values were obtained at the exponential, maximum values at the first exponential phase of growth. Flow cytometry greatly simplified the bacterial association counting, but preliminary physicochemical sample preparation is necessary when working with A. platensis culture. With minimal amounts of companion bacteria, both the diversity of physiological groups and morphotypes of associated microorganisms were observed. In stationary stage I alkaliphilic microorganisms (98.8 %) represented by bacilli-form bacteria of various lengths (87 %) dominated at high abundance at maximum pH (11.8). The development of other physiological groups was probably inhibited by the high alkalinity of the medium. At stationary stage II the some decrease in pH and microbiota abundance, alkaliphilic microbiota continued to dominate (82 %), but the contribution of yeasts and fungi increased (up to 16 %). Thus, the pH of the culture medium during spirulina cultivation largely determines both the abundance and diversity of the bacterial community. Despite the small contribution, the associated microflora can influence the quality of the obtained biomass of lower phototrophs during their industrial cultivation. The conducted studies allow us to give recommendations on the modes of cultivation and collection of A. platensis biomass.


O. A. Rylkova

PhD, senior researcher

Yu. V. Doroshenko

PhD, senior researcher

A. S. Lelekov

D. Sc., senior researcher

I. A. Harchuk

PhD, senior researcher


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