Heavy metals in mollusk shells of the Black Sea
The bivalve mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis, the giant oyster Magallana (=Crassostrea) gigas, and the gastropod Rapana venosa are important fisheries in the Black Sea. Other bivalve species, such as the ark shell Anadara kagoshimensis and the scallop Flexopecten glaber ponticus, are increasing in abundance and are potential aquaculture targets. Given the development of food additives and extracts from commercially important shellfish species, there is a need for information on their food safety, particularly in relation to heavy metal (HM) content. Currently, there are no data on the concentration of toxic metals in the shells of mollusks grown in marine farms of the Black Sea. However, their use as a potential food source has already been confirmed. In the present study, an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer was employed for the first time to analyse the concentration of cadmium, copper, arsenic, mercury, lead and zinc in the shells of five mollusk species from the Black Sea, including those grown in marine farms. The results demonstrated that copper and zinc accumulated to the highest extent in the shells of all species. Furthermore, the specific concentration of cadmium in the scallop shells and the concentration of copper and zinc in the oyster shells were confirmed. The shells of Rapana were found to be a potential source of secondary contamination of the environment with Cu, Hg and As, while scallop shells are characterized by a high Pb accumulation rate. The concentration of HMs in Anadara shells is the lowest, which makes their processed shells safe for food use. These results highlight the need to develop shellfish shell recycling strategies that are consistent with the Zero Waste concept in order to minimize environmental risks and increase the potential for recycling shell biomass.
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