
Gavrilova N. A., Abibulaeva A. Sh., Danilyuk O. N., Dovgal I. V. The first findings of Pyxicola socialis (Ciliophora, Peritrichia) in Crimean coastal waters of the Black Sea. Biodiversity and Sustainable Development, 2024, vol. 9, no. 2 (30), pp. 3-10. https://doi.org/10.21072/eco.2024.09.2.01



The paper dealt with sessile peritrich ciliate Pyxicola socialis (Gruber, 1879), which was firstly registered in microperiphyton and plankton of the Crimean coastal zone of the Black Sea. An improved diagnosis of the species is given, the distribution and ecological characteristics of the Pyxicola socialis are also analyzed based on own and literary data. It was shown that P. socialis is euryhaline species, which found at salinities ranging from 0.1 to 35.0 ‰, but confined to estuaries. The find of the single species individual in the plankton of Sevastopol Bay was probably casual. The species was found in the Pacific Ocean, as well as the North, White, Baltic, Azov and Black Seas. The nomenclature of the species was also discussed. Based on the such characters as the presence of protuberances on the lorica bottom, a flattened rather than rounded bottom of the lorica, and the absence of an endostyle in Cothurnia corrugata Davis, 1879, which was considered as junior synonym of P. socialis, the C. corrugata was excluded from the list of synonyms and transferred to the genus Pyxicola as Pyxicola corrugata (Davis, 1879) comb. n.


N. A. Gavrilova

PhD, researcher 

A. Sh. Abibulaeva

 junior researcher

O. N. Danilyuk

lead engineer

I. V. Dovgal

D. Sc., prof.


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Работа выполнена в рамках темы госзадания ФИЦ «Институт биологии южных морей им. А. О. Ковалевского РАН» «Трансформация структуры и функций экосистем морской пелагиали в условиях антропогенного воздействия и изменений климата», регистрационный номер 124030400057-4.



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