
Lomakin P. D., Chepyzhenko A. I., Popov M. A. Anthropogenic changes in the morphometric characteristics of Kruglaya bay (Crimea). Biodiversity and Sustainable Development, 2024, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 77-90. https://doi.org/10.21072/eco.2024.09.1.05



Based on the results of expeditionary research, coastal instrumental and visual observations, the most significant anthropogenic changes in the morphometric characteristics of Kruglaya Bay over the time interval from the end of the last century to the present day are considered. It is shown that in the first half of the last century, the studied water area consisted of two adjacent bodies of water — the bay itself and a shallow estuary, which were separated by a sandy bridge that was eroded in the second half of the last century. Due to urbanization, accompanied by changes in the regime of local winds and currents, the shore and bottom of the bay were subject to erosion. Sand has disappeared from the beaches, and the part that ends up in the water settles and accumulates in two areas — in the area of the rise of the bottom and in the apex part. In the southwestern area of the bay, the bottom was washed out to bedrock. The processes of shallowing and isolation of the apex observed in recent years are mainly associated with the development of the steppe between Kruglaya and Kamyshovaya bays, which led to a significant increase in the volume of storm runoff and its solid component. High turbidity is typical for the current state of the waters of Kruglaya Bay, while at the beginning of the last century its waters were absolutely transparent. It was revealed that in areas experiencing anthropogenic load, sharp negative changes in the morphometric of the coast and bottom are caused by storm activity. At the base of the south pier there is a large area of coastal erosion that will progress with each storm.


P. D. Lomakin

D. Sc., Prof. senior researcher

A. I. Chepyzhenko

PhD, senior researcher

M. A. Popov

PhD, senior researcher




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