
Bondareva L. V., Kandaurova D. A., Alexandrov V. V., Milchakova N. A., Chernysheva E. B. A rare component of the flora of vascular plants in the Karansky state nature reserve (Sevastopol). Biodiversity and Sustainable Development, 2024, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 44-52. https://doi.org/10.21072/eco.2024.09.1.03



The Karansky Nature Reserve is located in the southwest of Crimea and has a total area of 568.76 hectars. This paper presents data from studies on the flora and mapping of protected plant species conducted between 1997 and 2024. To inventory and study the spatial distribution of these plants on the reserve’s territory, six areas (clusters) were identified: the Gornaya Heights (with spurs), the Kaya-Bash cliffs, the Vasileva beam, the Mytilino rock and its surroundings, the Tavros Heights, and the Karan Heights. It was found tha t33 % oftheprotected plant species in the region are found within the boundaries of the Karansky Nature Reserve. Of these, 58 are included in the Red Book of Sevastopol (2018) and 21 are included in the Red Book of Russia (2023). Chorological analysis has shown that protected species are unevenly distributed across the territory of the reserve. Their numbers within clusters vary from 20 to 50, depending on the diversity of biotic conditions and humaninduced changes to the territory. Approximately one-third of the protected species growing in the reserve (20, or 34 %) are rare on its territory and are known from only 1–3 locations in 1–2 clusters. For a group of especially rare species found in only 1–2 locations, including Cephalanthera longifolia, Colchicum triphyllum, Crambe maritima, Delphinium fissum, Glaucium flavum, Hippocrepis biflora, and Verbascum orientale, systematic monitoring and conservation measures are recommended. The most valuable sites in the Karansky Nature Reserve, based on the abundance of protected species, are the Vasileva Balka cluster (86 %) and the Gornaya Height cluster (72 %). These are the most suitable sites for organizing permitted environmental educational activities in combination with measures to maintain environmental protection.


L. V. Bondareva

PhD, senior researcher



D. A. Kandaurova

junior researcher



V. V. Alexandrov

PhD, senior researcher



N. A. Milchakova

PhD, senior researcher



E. B. Chernysheva

junior researcher




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Работа выполнена в рамках государственного задания ФИЦ ИнБЮМ по теме «Биоразнообразие как основа устойчивого функционирования морских экосистем, критерии и научные принципы его сохранения» (№ гос. регистрации 124022400148-4).



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