
Piontkovski S. A., Minsky I. A., Meger Ya. V. Long-term variability of zooplankton biomass and oil pollution in some regions of the World Ocean. Biodiversity and Sustainable Development, 2024, vol. 8, no. 4 (28), pp. 20-33. https://doi.org/10.21072/eco.2023.28.02



Zooplankton act as an important structural constituent of matter and energy transfers in marine ecosystems. Structural and functional properties of zooplankton communities are subjected to multiple scale spatiotemporal variability modulated by natural factors. An increasing anthropogenic impact on pelagic ecosystems acts as the addition to natural factors. A retrospective analysis of data on zooplankton biomass (from the 1970s through first decades of the 21st century), was carried out across the regions (namely the Persian Gulf, the Mexican Gulf, the Caspian, Black and Mediterranean seas). These regions were ranked by the oil pollution, respectively. Published papers and international COPEPOD database were employed, to set up time series on the total zooplankton biomass of the upper 200 m layer, across regions for the time range from 1971 to 2020. Sea surface temperature and chlorophyll a concentration act as the background characteristics. Small sized copepods set up the base of zooplankton biomass across regions. Inter-annual negative trends were associated with highly polluted regions, while no trends were observed in regions with relatively low pollution.


S. A. Piontkovski

D. Sc., Prof., senior researcher

I. A. Minsky

graduate student, leading engineer

Ya. V. Meger

graduate student, junior researcher


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Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке Российского научного фонда (проект № 23-24-00007). Авторы признательны Е. Ю. Георгиевой и Ю. А. Загородней (ИнБЮМ) за данные по биомассе фитопланктона и зоопланктона северной части Чёрного моря, а также А. Н. Коршенко (ГОИН) за данные по нефтяным углеводородам.



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