
Dovgal I. V., Petrova Yu. A. Free-living ciliates (Ciliophora) of the Crimean peninsula freshwaters (state of knowledge and new finds). Biodiversity and Sustainable Development, 2023, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 13-25. https://doi.org/10.21072/eco.2023.26.02



The paper dealt with the inventory of the Crimean freshwater ciliates taxonomic composition as well as assessment of their indicator value. The work is based on an analysis of the literature on freshwater freeliving ciliates of Crimean waterbodies. The own investigations were conducted using artificial substrates (glass slides) in 2023 in ponds in the natural park «Maximova Dacha», Sevastopol (15 species of ciliates were found) and on the river Balaklavka, Balaklava (7 species were found). Eight species of ciliates, i. e., Cyclophrya magna, Discophrya cothurnata, Vorticella aquadulcis, Opercularia coartata, O. articulata, O. nutans, Epistylis plicatilis and Oxytricha hymenostoma were recorded for the first time for freshwaters of the Crimean Peninsula. According to the literature and own data, there are 117 species of ciliates in the region, which belong to 2 subphyla and 10 classes. Sixty-four species of ciliates are indicators of saprobity, which creates prerequisites to the environmental monitoring of the inland water bodies in Crimea.


I. V. Dovgal

D. Sc., chief researcher



Yu. A. Petrova

Deputy Head of Inspectorate, Head of State Environmental Supervision Department


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