
Davidovich N. A. Reproductive Biology of Diatoms: 170-Year History and Perspectives of Research. Proceedings of the T.I.Vyazemsky Karadag Scientific Station - Nature Reserve of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2019, no. 1 (9), pp. 86-96. https://doi.org/10.21072/eco.2021.09.04



Reproductive behaviour of diatoms occupies the minds of researchers slightly more than 170 years. During this relatively short period, a number of general rules were established describing the life cycle which is dependent on the size of cells. Sexual process has been described in about 250 species of diatoms. The paper discusses classifications of the types of sexual process proposed at different times. It is shown that the evolution of diatoms is closely related to the evolution of methods by which the gametes are delivered to the place of syngamy. The change of reproductive behaviour is considered as one of the main evolutionary trends in diatoms. The areas of research in the field of reproductive biology of diatoms which are most significant during last decades have been identified.


N. A. Davidovich

PhD, senior researcher


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