
Adamen F. F., Shcherbina A. D. Activity of Scientific Research Institute "Crimean Astrophysical Observatory" within the Framework of the Project "Spectr-UV". Proceedings of the T.I.Vyazemsky Karadag Scientific Station - Nature Reserve of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2018, no. 3 (7), pp. 94-100. https://doi.org/10.21072/eco.2021.07.07



The preparatory stage and the key moments of research work of scientists of the Research institute «Crimean Astrophysical Observatory» within the international project on creation of universal long- term orbital astrophysical observatory on the basis of the space device module "Range" are covered in article on the basis of the analysis of representative sources. The main design decisions and technical improvements allowing to carry out experimental work in an ultra-violet site of a range, inaccessible to supervision from a terrestrial surface, are specified. Activity of scientists of observatory in various departments of establishment is lit: scientific tasks moved forward and located in department of physics of the Sun, physics of stars and galaxies, in department of experimental astrophysics devices were designed, in optical and mechanical workshops the unique space equipment was created. The contribution of staff of research institution to development of space science in the territory of the Crimean peninsula is defined.


F. F. Adamen

D. Sc., Deputy Head

A. D. Shcherbina

Deputy Head


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