
Chekalov V. P. Oxidative Activity of Benthose Bacteria in the Bottom Sediments of Karadag and the Dvuyakornaya Bay (Black Sea). Proceedings of the T.I.Vyazemsky Karadag Scientific Station - Nature Reserve of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2018, no. 1 (5), pp. 10-17. https://doi.org/10.21072/eco.2021.05.02



The influence of the bacterial community on the formation of the oxygen regime and the processes of destruction of organic matter as a function of temperature and redox conditions in the bottom systems of loose soils of contiguous water areas in the Karadag area (Black Sea) are considered. The harsh environmental conditions in deepened bottom sediments determine a significant decrease of the oxidative activity and number of viable microflora, despite their higher destructive potential under conditions optimization. Only one of the hundred cells of active forms and every fifteenth from the possible maximum number at the optimum temperature possessed the capacity for growth. At the same time, the rate of oxidation of organic matter in bottom sediments by Malchin cape under real conditions did not exceed 1.19 μg / g∙h, while in the soile of shallow waters area of the Dvuyakornaya Bay was 1.82 μg / g∙h. The data on the ratio of the rates of oxidation and the production of reduced compounds in the bottom sediments of the investigated regions are given.


V. P. Chekalov

junior researcher


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