
Logomonova I. V., Artov A. M., Korosteleva A. V., Postnikova A. N. The Results of Work of the Cetacean Stranding Registration and Monitoring Network at the Crimean Coast in 2017. Proceedings of the T.I.Vyazemsky Karadag Scientific Station - Nature Reserve of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2017, no. 2 (4), pp. 55-69. https://doi.org/10.21072/eco.2021.04.04



In the framework of working of the cetacean stranding registration and monitoring network there were obtained data on 225 animals found on the Black Sea coast of Crimea or in coastal aquatoria. 8 animals were found in the process of the Southeastern Crimean coastline part montoring. 172 communications about 217 animals (10 animals were found alive) were obtained from local population or visitors. Of the communicated animals harbour porpoises prevailed (75,1 %), also there were found bottle-nosed dolphins (11,5 %) and common dolphins (6, 5%). Majority of the animals were fixed in Sebastopol region (42 %) и Southeastern Crimea (21 %). The reasons for this, in our opinion, are high concentration of tourists in local populations’ habitats and intensive fishing activities in summer in the regions. The peak of strandings was in July. For harbor porpoises rate of calves was almost 30 % of all found animals (totally 163). Intensive fishing in harbor porpoise habitats increases the by-catch probability for pairs «female-calf» in critical neonates feeding season – in June-July. To decrease amount of deaths it is needed estimation of the local populations’ distribution and fishing restriction in the habitats in the season. Integration of the data of the 10 dead animals stranded and found in the sea in Sudak region with data on the fishing vessels activities suggests the death of the animals in trawls taking into account coincidence in time. We have proposed hypothesis on absence of external signs of the death caused by by-catch in some cases of by-catches in trawls. Further development of the RIMS-network (registration – investigations – monitoring – saving) in Crimea is the most effective in case of combining two components – registration of communications from public and monitoring surveys of coastal control areas. At the same time, the both components should be accompanied by complex researches of stranded animals.


I. V. Logomonova

junior researcher

A. M. Artov

junior researcher

A. V. Korosteleva

Serene Sea member

A. N. Postnikova

Serene Sea member


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