
Mironov O. A., Mironov O. G., Muraviova I. P. The content of lipids in macrophytes of different coastal water areas of Sevastopol (the Black Sea). Proceedings of the T.I.Vyazemsky Karadag Scientific Station - Nature Reserve of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2021, vol. 6, no. 1 (17), pp. 17-23. https://doi.org/10.21072/eco.2021.17.02



Materials on the content of lipids in mass algae macrophytes in the coastal waters of Sevastopol bays were summarized. The research area covered Artilleriyskaya, Karantinnaya, Kazachaya, Balaklavskaya bays and Neftegavan’, Park Pobedy, Primorsky Boulevard. The lipid content in green algae Ulva rigida is on average 2 – 5% dry weight, Enteromorpha intestinalis 2 – 3 %, in red algae Callithamnion corymbosum 3 – 4 %, Ceramium rubrum 2–3 %, in brown algae Cystoseira barbata on average 2 % dry weight. A clear dependence of the lipids amount on the season of the year has not been established, but there is a tendency to increase the content of lipids in algae from areas with a higher degree of pollution. The experiment on the effect of solar oil during three-day exposure of Ulva rigida gave no statistically significant difference in the content of lipids compared to the native algae. The presence of mussel secretions, which acts as a kind of fertilizer, increases the content of lipids in the observed algae.


O. A. Mironov

PhD, senior researcher

O. G. Mironov

D. Sc., Prof., chief researcher

I. P. Muraviova

junior researcher


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Работа выполнена в рамках государственного задания ФГБУН ФИЦ ИнБЮМ «Молисмологические и биогеохимические основы гомеостаза морских экосистем» (No АААА-А18-118020890090-2)



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