Peculiarities of the Radiation Balance Formation of the Mid-Mountain Tropical Forest Ecosystems of Bidup-Nuiba Natural Park (Southern Vietnam) During the Wet Season
For the conditions of the winter wet season, cartographic models of the total solar radiation incoming to the crown surface of the key area were obtained. We analyzed the incoming of total solar radiation depending on the steepness and exposure of the crown relief. Values of the radiation balance elements of the key area crown’ surface and the spatio-temporal structure of the total solar radiation part’ transmission by the forest canopy were calculated. Comparison of the data obtained in dry and wet seasons was carried out. The values of the elements of the long-wave part of the radiation balance of the key area during the measurement period were calculated. The results obtained made it possible to construct a map of the transmission coefficient of solar radiation by the forest canopy at the end of the wet season, which is important for understanding the structure of the radiation balance of the forest ecosystems.
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