
Minkina N. I. Spatial Variability of Energetic Metabilism of Black Sea Ctenophor Mnemiopsis leidyi Agassiz, 1865. Proceedings of the T.I.Vyazemsky Karadag Scientific Station - Nature Reserve of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2020, no. 2 (14), pp. 14-28. https://doi.org/10.21072/eco.2021.14.02



A method of monitoring of «well-being» of pelagial on the basis of an estimation of spatial variability of energetic exchange level is developed of mass species of zooplankton is developed. The method supposes the exception of components of dispersion of the measured values of specific respiration rate, related to its daily rhythm and experimental conditions. Effect of heterogeneity of environment is described to a remaining component of variability of specific respiration rate values of this specie. On the basis of the fulfilled experiments with the use of this method the vector fields of deviations of level of energetic exchange at combjelly-invader M. leidyi from the statistical «norm» are received in the north half of the Black sea. Main factors, determining nature and level of physiological response of young and adult individuals of the combjelly on the complex of changes what is going in an environment and during seasonal succession of plankton, are revealed. Such are food conditions, an orographic factor and an activity of reproduction of a population. The revealed spatial changeability of vector and level of exchange level at the single populations of zooplankton (for example, copepods, larvae of molluscs and fishes, etc.) can be as the index of level of the inhibited impact on them of negative factors of environment, including contamination. The method can be also useful to a contouring of scopes of influence of pollutants on hydrobionts.


N. I. Minkina

PhD, senior researcher, leading researcher


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