Comparative Assessment of Doses Formed by Naturally Occuring Radionuclide 210 Po in Filter-Feeding Hydrobionts from Salt Lakes of the Crimea and Coastal Areas of the Black Sea
This paper presents the results of the comparative assessment of absorbed and equivalent dose rates generated by naturally occurring radionuclide 210Po in hydrobionts with a similar feeding type (filterfeeding organisms). The objects were some species of the bivalve mollusks from Black Sea and the typical inhabitant of the salt lakes of the Crimea, the gill-legged crustacean Artemia spp. High ability of the studied hydrobionts to accumulate polonium was noted. The values of the 210Po concentration ratio ranged from 104 to 105. Comparison of equivalent doses received by these organisms (as result of internal irradiation with α-particles produced by 210Po) showed that values of the dose rates were quite close. The maximum equivalent dose rates calculated for both artemias and molluscs were about 10-1 Sv·year-1. Evaluation of obtained results using proposed by G. G. Polikarpov “Scale of chronic irradiation zones” showed that the doses formed by 210Po reach the “ecological masking” zone, which confirms the radiological importance of 210Po as the main contributor to the total dose.
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