of submission, reviewing and publishing articles
in periodical scientific publications
Biodiversity and sustainable development»

1. Procedure for submitting articles for publication in "Biodiversity and Sustainable Development".

1.1 For publication in "Biodiversity and Sustainable Development" (BSD) we accept scientific reports in Russian or English, which have not been previously published and submitted for publication in other journals and collections of scientific papers (except for abstracts of reports and materials of conferences, symposia, meetings, etc.).

1.2 Author's materials submitted for publication in the journal "Biodiversity and Sustainable Development" should meet the following requirements: relevance of the topic, scientific novelty of the research, originality of the research problem and applied research methods, high scientific and practical significance of the results obtained. Articles should contain a concise and clear presentation of the current state of the issue, description of research methods, presentation and discussion of the data obtained by the author, specific conclusions. The title of the manuscript should correspond to its content.

It is desirable that the test of a scientific report submitted in English be verified by a native speaker before sending it to the Editorial Board.

1.3 In order to realize a holistic editorial policy, it is supposed to publish commissioned articles, the volume of which is determined by the Editorial Board of the Journal, on topics previously agreed with the authors.

1.4 Authors, editors and reviewers of the journal "Biodiversity and Sustainable Development" in their activities should be guided by the ethical requirements adopted in the journal and set out on the official website of the journal.

1.5 Authors should be guided by the Rules for Authors of the journal "Biodiversity and Sustainable Development" when preparing the manuscript of the article and its appendices (both in printed and electronic versions). Articles that are not designed according to the Rules will not be considered.

1.6 To the postal address of IBSS, Editorial Board of BSD, Nakhimova Ave. 2, Sevastopol, 299011, Russia authors send:

- printed version of the manuscript signed by all authors of the article;

- an agreement on the transfer of exclusive rights to the work signed by all authors.

Two copies are sent, according to the form. One of them, after the article is approved for printing, is returned to the authors with the signature of the responsible person of the editorial board. The contract comes into force from the moment the article is approved for printing.

It is also allowed to send a scanned file of the author's agreement signed by all authors from the e-mail address of the author who corresponds with the editorial board regarding the publication of the article.

1.7 The authors also send the following files by e-mail to or via the registration and manuscript submission form on the journal's website (requirements to the formats are specified in the Rules for Authors)

- electronic version of the article manuscript identical to the printed original submitted to the Editorial Board by regular mail;

- files of illustrations,

- metadata on all authors of the article (according to the form),

- notification of conflict of interest, if any (in free form, in accordance with the ethical rules of the Journal).

1.8 Acceptance of the manuscript for publication means the transfer of the rights to it to the publisher; subsequently it cannot be published elsewhere without the consent of the Editorial Board of the Journal.

1.9. The Editorial Board of the Journal reserves the right to edit manuscripts in agreement with the authors.

1.10. If a manuscript is written by a team of authors, the co-authors entrust one of them (corresponding author) to correspond with the Editorial Board of the journal "Biodiversity and Sustainable Development" on their behalf regarding the review and publication of the article and to make the required changes in the text of the manuscript, indicating his e-mail address in the text of the manuscript. Co-authors' opinions on the necessity to make changes in the manuscript text are agreed upon by the co-authors with the corresponding author.

1.11. The author's team determines the composition and order of authors before sending the manuscript. Any addition, deletion, or change of authors' names in the author list is possible only before the manuscript is accepted for printing and only if approved by the editor of the issue. To request such a change, the corresponding author must send a letter to the editorial board's e-mail address stating the reasons for the change in the author list and written confirmation from all co-authors that they agree with the addition, deletion, or rearrangement. If authors are added or deleted, this includes confirmation of the added/deleted authors' consent sent from their e-mail address. Metadata of the added author(s) is also sent. Only in exceptional cases the Editorial Board considers adding, deleting or changing the list of authors after the manuscript has been accepted; during the review of such a submission the publication of the manuscript may be suspended.

1.12. When sending an article that has received a review for correction and revision, the author is given a three-month period to prepare a corrected version of the article and to respond to the reviewers (if necessary). After the expiration of this period, the article returned by the author is considered as a newly received article and must undergo a second review.

2. The procedure for reviewing articles sent to the editorial board of the journal “Biodiversity and Sustainable Development”

2.1. The editorial board sends submitted manuscripts of scientific reports for review to obtain independent feedback on the scientific level of the submitted manuscripts. The review is double-blind, independent: by decision of the editorial board, two reviewers are determined for each scientific report - leading experts in the profile of the work being reviewed, doctors and candidates of science; reviewers must have published scientific publications within the last three years that are relevant to the topic of the manuscript they are considering, and must not be employees of the same organization in which the authors of the reviewed manuscript work. Information about the authorship of peer-reviewed article manuscripts is not provided to reviewers, information about reviewers is not provided to authors.

Notes are sent by the editorial board to one reviewer for review; The review is also anonymous and blind.

Manuscripts submitted to the sections “Historical Chronicles”, “Chronicles and Information”, “Reviews” do not undergo peer review and are published by decision of the editorial board.

2.2. The reviewer must review the submitted article within three weeks from the date of receipt and send a review or a reasoned refusal to review to the editorial board.

2.3. Guided by the editorial policy, the declaration of publication ethics in the journal “Biodiversity and Sustainable Development” and the scientific level of the article, the reviewer is obliged to give a general assessment of the manuscript and a reasoned recommendation, based on his assessments, on acceptance for publication, revision or rejection of the manuscript.

The reviewer's comments must contain precise wording that gives the author and the editorial board a clear idea of the reviewer's opinion regarding the degree of compliance of the manuscript with the requirements of the journal and ways to eliminate the identified inconsistencies and shortcomings of the manuscript.

Review submission form (download .doc).

2.4. Reviews of manuscripts of scientific communications (both positive and negative) are sent to the authors, without indicating information about the reviewers. If the reviewer indicates the need to re-review the manuscript after correcting the comments, the revised version of the manuscript by the authors is sent to the reviewer for re-examination and making a final judgment on the possibility of publishing the scientific report.

2.5 If there is one negative review, the Editorial Board sends the manuscript for additional ("arbitration") review.

2.6 In case of two negative opinions of the reviewers, the SC at its meeting decides to reject the manuscript and notifies the author(s) on behalf of the Editor-in-Chief of the BSD with a copy of the reviews and the SC's opinion.

2.7 Reviews of published and rejected manuscripts of scientific communications are kept in the Editorial Office for 5 years. When the Editorial Office receives requests from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, copies of reviews can be provided to the applicant.

3. Procedure for publishing articles in the periodical scientific edition of the journal "Biodiversity and Sustainable Development"

3.1 After reviewing, the manuscript together with the received reviews and the "Copyright Transfer Agreement" is considered at the meeting of the Editorial Board.

3.2 If there are disagreements among the members of the Editorial Board regarding the publication of the submitted manuscript, the issue of its recommendation for publication is decided by open voting by a simple majority of votes (in case of equal number of votes the Chief Editor's vote is decisive). The quorum for decision-making is set at the level of 50% + 1 vote of the total number of members of the editorial board participating in the meeting.

3.3 The Editorial Board has the right to refuse to publish a manuscript based on the results of reviewing, non-compliance of the manuscript material with the journal subject, as well as unsatisfactory quality of the submitted materials.

3.4 The abstracts of the manuscripts that successfully passed the reviewing process are sent by the responsible secretary of the Editorial Board for their placement and subsequent free viewing and downloading on the official website of the journal "Biodiversity and Sustainable Development", in the section "Manuscripts accepted for printing / Just accepted".

3.5 The next issue of the journal is formed by the Editor-in-Chief and the Executive Secretary of the Editorial Board appointed by the Editorial Board from the manuscripts that have been successfully reviewed and approved by the Editorial Board.

As a rule, manuscripts for the current issue are selected in the order of receipt of the final (after revisions) version of the text. The works of graduate students can be published out of turn.

3.6 After the Editorial Board approves the list of articles of the current issue of the Journal, the formed issue is presented by the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal or a person appointed by him at the meeting of the Scientific Council of IBSS.

3.7 After approval of the content of the next issue and its recommendation for printing by the decision of the Scientific Council of IBSS, the next issue of the Journal is published in printed form.

3.8 The files of the texts of the articles of the next issue (in the version of the original layout of the printed version and fully translated into English original Russian texts) are posted for free viewing and downloading on the official website of the journal "Biodiversity and Sustainable Development" under the headings "Current issue" and "Issues.

3.9 The journal publishes all materials free of charge. No royalties are provided for the authors.

The author (team of authors) of an article published in the issue of the journal "Biodiversity and Sustainable Development" is provided free of charge, at their request, one copy of the printed issue of the journal.