
Solomonova E. S., Zheleznova S. N. Investigation of the biochemical content of microalgae using flow cytometry. Biodiversity and Sustainable Development, 2023, vol. 8, no. 3 (27), pp. 56-65. https://doi.org/10.21072/eco.2023.27.05



Lipid content in microalgae cells belonging to different taxonomic groups and grown under different cultivation conditions was determined using spectrophotometric and flow cytometry methods in combination with fluorochrome Nile Red (NR), a fluorescent marker of neutral and polar lipids in algal cells. It was shown that all cultures used in the experiments stained well with Nile Red at different growth stages: orange fluorescence of FL2 channel (575 nm), was marked for lipid identification in the cells. The optimum staining time was 10 min, when NR working solution was added, 20 μl per 1 ml of culture medium. The results obtained showed that there was no significant difference between spectrophotometric and fluorescence methods for the determination of lipids in microalgae, R2 = 0.98. Combination of standard spectrophotometric method and fluorescence method realized by staining cells with Nile Red can serve as a reliable approach for estimation of lipids in microalgae cells.


E. S. Solomonova

PhD, senior researcher



S. N. Zheleznova

PhD, senior researcher




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