
Dbar R. S., Gamakharia P. D. To the question of the structure of the European anchovee stock wintering off the coast of Abkhazia and the reasons affecting the low value of the fishing (Engraulis encrasicolus L., 1758) in the fishing season 2022/2023 . Biodiversity and Sustainable Development, 2023, vol. 8, no. 2 (26), pp. 47-54. https://doi.org/10.21072/eco.2023.26.05



The analysis of the results of the fishing season 2022/2023, as well as the analysis of the commercial biological and basic biometric parameters of the European anchovy (E. encrasicolus L., 1758) wintering in the coastal waters of Abkhazia were made. The characteristic of the dynamics of the size and age structure of fish in catches is given and the intra-annual patterns of the dynamics of anchovy (Black Sea anchovy and Azov anchovy) fishing are presented. Changes in population characteristics in the composition of catches compared to previous years were noted. The absolute values of catches by month and their fluctuations are given. The dependence of the biomass coming to the anchovy wintering on the main environmental factors: temperature, current and wind regime is considered.


R. S. Dbar

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Ecology and Morphology of Animals, Director

P. D. Gamakharia

postgraduate student in ichthyology


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