
Phung Thai Duong, Pham Cam Nhung, Ngo Thi Ngoc Tu, Huynh Thi Sanh, Nguyen Quoc Hau, Nguyen Van Dung. Сhanges of the mangrove forest area in Thanh Phu district, Ben Tre province (Vietnam) during 1990–2020. Biodiversity and Sustainable Development, 2023, vol. 8, no. 1 (25), pp. 39-59. https://doi.org/10.21072/eco.2023.25.04



The complex ecosystem of mangrove forests holds great ecological and economic significance. Unfortunately, in the last half-century, numerous mangrove forests have been lost due to high population growth, rapid urbanization, aquaculture expansion, and other human activities. Asia, in particular, has experienced the most significant decline of mangrove forests, Including Vietnam. However, recent studies indicate that mangroves in Vietnam are either expanding or fragmenting. The objective of the study is to evaluate changes in the area of coastal mangroves in Thanh Phu district, Ben Tre province in the period 1990–2020 by applying remote sensing technology. To plan for management and to improve the role of mangroves in providing ecosystem services and resources, local livelihoods, and global benefits. Based on the research and analysis results, the authors have established a map of changes in mangrove area in Thanh Phu district, Ben Tre province. In general, the area of mangrove forests in Thanh Phu distric has decreased over 30 years. Despite the fact that after 2000 there has been an increase in the area of mangrove forests in the study area. The spatial transformation of coastal mangroves in Thanh Phu district, Ben Tre province over a span of 30 years and the factors responsible for their reduction are investigated in the study. The research also reveals the recovery process of mangroves through various stages, offering valuable insights to government for proposing solutions to regenerate and enhance mangrove ecosystems. This could ultimately aid in the restoration and enrichment of varied coastal ecosystems.


Phung Thai Duong

PhD of Geography

Pham Cam Nhung

PhD of chemistry, junior researcher


Ngo Thi Ngoc Tu

MS in Geography

Huynh Thi Sanh

MS in Geography

Nguyen Quoc Hau

PhD of Geography

Nguyen Van Dung



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The work is carried out within the framework of the Research Work of A. O Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS — «Study of the spatial and temporal organization of water and land ecosystems in order to develop an operational monitoring system based on remote sensing data and GIS technologies» registration number: 121040100327-3.
