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As part of the submission process, Authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items. Submissions may be returned to Authors that do not adhere to these guidelines:

  • This material has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted for review and publication in another journal (or explained in the Notes to the Editor).
  • The file with the material is presented in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF document format.
  • Full Internet addresses (URLs) are provided for references where possible.
  • The text is typed with single line spacing; 12-point font size is used; Use italics rather than underlining for emphasis (except for URLs); All illustrations, graphs and tables are located in appropriate places in the text, and not at the end of the document.
  • The text complies with the stylistic and bibliographic requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors, which can be found on the About the Journal page.

Rules for submitting, reviewing and publishing scientific articles in the journal “Biodiversity and Sustainable Development”

  • The minimum volume of an article (text, tables, bibliography, figures) is 7 pages, the maximum is 90 pages. The volume of chronicles and other notes, as well as reviews, is no more than 10 pages.
  • The text is typed on a computer using the text editor Microsoft Word for Windows (*.doc) in compliance with the following parameters: Times New Roman font, size 12, 1 spaced, no hyphens. Page margin parameters: top – 2 cm, bottom – 2 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 2 cm; the indentation of the first line of a paragraph is 1.25 cm and is set in a special mode; Page numbering is continuous, at the bottom in the middle. In the text of the article, it is possible to use bold and italics for semantic highlighting, but underlining should not be used. The names of programs, projects, grants, funds, etc., within the framework of which the research was carried out (if any), are given in a footnote to the title of the article. Acknowledgments (if any) are given after the text of the article.
  • All materials of the article are compiled into a single summary file and placed in it in the following sequence:
    • Article title (center alignment);
    • Last name and initials of the author(s) (center alignment);
    • The name of the institution where the author works, in the nominative case, city, country; if there are several authors, each name and the corresponding institution is indicated with a digital superscript (if all authors of the article work in the same institution, it is indicated once) (center alignment);
    • Email address(es) of the corresponding author(s) or all of them (center alignment);
    • Keywords (5 – 7 words, separated by semicolons);
    • Text of the article with figures, tables and formulas;
    • The list of references is drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.0.5-2008 Bibliographic reference, General requirements and rules for compilation. GOST 7.82-2001. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of electronic resources. (examples of design in Appendix 1);
    • Information about the author(s) – full name. completely in Russian and in transliteration; academic degree, academic title, position; the full name of the institution where the author works, in the nominative case, with mandatory indication of the status of the organization and departmental affiliation; city, country, institution address, including postal code; e-mail; telephone number for contacting the authors of the article (one for all authors is possible).
    • Description of the article in English – translation into English of paragraphs 2 – 7;
  • The text of the article must be structured. A standard section heading is recommended: statement of the problem (introduction), research methodology, research results, discussion of the results, conclusion (conclusions). The text of the article must contain links to all figures and tables. Figures and tables are numbered in the order in which they are mentioned in the text using Arabic numerals. The numbering of formulas (continuous throughout the article) is indicated in brackets (in ascending order) with numbers (1, 2, etc.) on the right side (to the right edge of the set).
  • Graphic material for the article can be either black and white or color with different types of shading (with a step size that allows further reduction) or halftone. A line is skipped before the drawing, a caption follows immediately after the drawing, and a line is skipped after the caption. The electronic version of the drawings must be presented in a graphic format: raster (JPEG, TIFF) with a resolution of at least 300 dpi or vector (CDR). Graphic material for the article must be provided as a separate file.
  • Tables are provided in the text of the article, size 10; the line before and after the table is skipped.
  • A list of references is given after the main text of the article. In the text of the article, references to works are given in parentheses indicating the names of the author(s) and, separated by commas, the year of publication. In the case of a reference to a work without an author (edited), the first two words of the title of the work, an ellipsis and, separated by a comma, the year of publication should be indicated in parentheses. The names of foreign authors, when mentioned in the text, are given in the original spelling: In his work, N. Zoran showed... (Zoran, 2000). Sources in the bibliography are numbered and listed in alphabetical order: first, works in Russian (and other languages ​​using the Cyrillic alphabet), then in languages ​​using the Latin alphabet (in English alphabet order). In a bibliographic description, it is allowed to replace the prescribed “dot and dash” sign separating the areas of the bibliographic description with a dot.