In 2016 the «T.I.Vyazemsky Karadag scientific station - Nature Reserve of RAS» («KSS - NR RAS») resumed the publication of the Proceedings which was  interrupted in 1962.   «Proceedings of the T.I.Vyazemsky Karadag scientific station - Nature Reserve of RAS» (further «Proceedings»)  is a scientific journal published 4 times a year. The «Proceedings» publish scientific articles, covering the results of completed, methodically correct research, as well as major of major scientific symposiums, conferences and meetings; reviews of the most significant new scientific works, anniversaries and memorial articles about outstanding scientists.

In 2023 the scientific journal was renamed.  

The new name of the scientific journal  is “Biodiversity and Sustainable Development”.

The Journal is indexed in the national bibliographic database of scientific publications Russian Science Citation Index RSCI.The articles are posted in the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU

The journal publishes works under the following headings:

  • Biodiversity of ecosystems and  its conservation;
  • Structure, functioning and dynamic of the ecosystems;
  • Problems of pollution of aquatic ecosystems and marine radiochemoecology;
  • Biological resources, biotechnology and aquaculture;
  • Sustainable development of coastal zones;
  • Scientific notes;
  • Chronicles;
  • Reviews.

Articles that have not been previously published or submitted for publication in other journals and collections (with the exception of abstracts of reports and materials of conferences, symposiums, meetings, etc.) are accepted for publication. The presented articles must be written at a high theoretical level, meet the latest achievements in the world of science and practice, and adhere to the literary norms of the language.  The publication languages are Russian and English.There is no publication fee. Articles are submitted to the email