Peculiarities of Migration of Heavy Metals in Agroecosystems of the Eastern Part of the French of Crimean Mountains
This work is aimed at assessing the ecological state of agrocenoses in the context of establishing the degree of contamination with heavy metals and identifying the features of their biogeochemical migration to various environments. To achieve this goal, the following were carried out: field work, including sampling of material of various genesis (rocks, soils and vegetative parts of agricultural crops), as well as desk work, including laboratory analyzes, manifested in the conduct of qualitative and quantitative elemental chemical analysis, in carrying out, based on the obtained data, calculations of clark values and concentration, accumulation and / or scattering coefficients, biophilicity, the integral pollution index of the territory and construction tions on this basis of geochemical spectra. As the project area of the planned studies, farmland located within the Rusakovsky rural settlement, Belogorsky district was used.
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